"You mean that bone wasn't free?"

Lucy went to the vet's Monday and she weigh's 14.5 lbs! She also went for a bath at PetSmart yesterday. I had to leave her there and come back to get her. They said she HATED her bath but afterwards they gave her a red bandana to match her collar. I got pics. Thursday Sara and I are going to get her a crate for her to sleep in at night. It adjusts to her as she grows. She is so big. A man at the pet store told her that the sight of her made his heart melt and a woman said I could just put her in the back of her truck. Wow. I have to keep her close to me, so nobody steals her from me! She had a red bone earlier and it got her paws and face all red (and the carpet) and it looked like she had gotten into some lipstick! I washed her with a baby wipe and threw the bone out. I took her to Mounds yesterday and she stole a bone out of a lower bin, so I went to the clerk with a half eaten, wet bone, to pay 17 cents, but the lady gave it to her for free because she is just a puppy!!
Lucy is a thief! She gets away with it because she's cute, though!! She must have looked fancy in her bandana.
She did. A man stopped on his way into the pet store as we were walking out and said "The sight of your puppy melts my heart." Cute
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