"A Halloween Aqua Dog!"

The day I adopted Lucy, I brought her an "Aqua Dog" as he came to be known. Well, after going to the pet store, I saw that "Aqua Dog" comes in many varities. She loves him, and his squeeker. Lucy drags him everywhere. So I got her a bigger one, who is orange for halloween, and has on a witch hat and a broom. She took to him right away as you can see. Lucy loves all toys, especially a leather star that Sara got for her. It says "Top Dawg" on it. She was sitting on the floor with the star behind her, spinning it around and around with her tail. It was quite silly. Lucy also likes chewing on bones, but mainly the outside layer or small portions of them, as she still has a little mouth and is teething. She has so many different bones and toys, you would think that 8 dogs lived here. She sleeps in her padded bed I got her with it full of toys and bones. I can hear her tossing bones and squeeking Aqua Dog from downstairs. I love the pitter patter of her feet on the floor as well.
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