A Much Needed Nap After Playing So Long...

Lucy gets up in the morning and litereally plays, runs, prances, and jumps on and off the couch over and over, for 4-5 hrs straight. Then she is worn out. After all the excitement of waking up to start a new day, she will take a long nap each morning. Sometimes she sticks her tongue out, or sleeps with her tail or her back foot in her mouth. It is quite cute. Other times, like this morning, she slept like this (I agree, she is quite un-lady like.) We are still having trouble with her potty training, and she BITES. I ordered her a "tone collar" today that we can use to break these habits by pushing a button and a tone that is annoying, safe, and only heard by doggies, goes off to startle her and correct her behavior. I seriously just want to enjoy my puppy but it is hard when I spend all day looking at her butt to see if she is going potty (sometimes how she sits looks like she is squatting to potty) and I just want to ENJOY HER CUTE FACE!!! Lucy is so adorable it is hard to scold her but she is naughty! She was STANDING on the coffee table today. Quite bad. But hopefully this collar will help us enforce better "puppy habits."
I know someone who used that collar on his dog and it worked wonders! It is very humane, too. Good choice for little Lucy.
Susan says...I hope it is a good choice. The fear of putting any type of fear of being "zapped" scares me. I do not want her to lose her spunk...ever.
Lucy is sleeping bendy in that picture!
Yes, it sounds like she needs some discipline and the collar is the way to go.
Lucy is doing great after surgery. We did not have to use the lamp shade, she is not licking at all. Her cut is like 3 inches long, but looks good and healthy.
Hooray for Lucy Pants having a successful recovery! Is she still grounded from driving? :)
Sara says:
Please update pictures. Thank you.
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