Lucy pants is not doing good potty training at all. We have been slack on her at night and let her have full access to the kitchen, but she is not learning how to hold it. She pees 3 or more times in the kitchen at night among other things. In the day if we are in the living room, she will usually sit at the door to go out. One problem, the yard is filled with rabbit pooh and for some reason, Lucy eats it. She can not be trusted in the yard. It is what makes her very sick. So because of this pooh issue, we are getting her out of the yard and then she doesn't go and we go in and she goes on the kitchen floor. It is like this puppy pees every 5 mins. It is aggrivating. So starting tonight, since I am off this week, she is sleeping locked in her bed/cage. I will get up and take her out a couple times, but she needs to strengthen her bladder. I am so sick of cleaning up messes. I guess dogs take about a year to learn this potty outside concept, and she is only 6 months, but it is like she is making no effort. Sometimes she will go right on the floor in front of you when she could have told you she needed to go outside. It is stressful. I am quite sick of it but it is hard to be mad at a face like that. She is truely the cutest animal I have ever seen in my life.
Too bad they don't make doggie diapers or Pullups!
Actually they do, but they are for when dogs go into heat. My old friend James had to put his dog in a diaper all the time. I have told her many times she better watch it or she will be in a Huggies!!
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