"Lucy's First Professional Bath"

Lucy had her first "professional" bath on Tuesday at PetSmart. They said to come back in 3 hours and my jaw dropped. I was about to play tug of war with the people there. I did not want to leave my puppy for THREE hours for a bath. (But I generally don't like dogs b/c you have to bathe them, cut nails etc. until I found out you can pay people to do that for you!) They called me to come get her after 1 1/2 hours and said she was so cute they wanted to keep her the whole 3 hours but when they saw the sadness on my face leaving her, they decided to return her early. She hated her bath but did not bite anyone, thank goodness! They gave her a red bandana to match her collar and she looked so cute in it. She scratched at it so I took it off. But they said that she will get used to baths, we just have to give them on a regular basis and with hound dogs, you need to about every 4-6 weeks. It only cost $10 and I got a $2.00 discount since it was her first time. When I showed up to get her, she got so excited to see me, she wizzed on the floor. Oops! She smells so good and her ears are so clean and soft. She was a bit fluffy too.
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