Who Knew I Would Ever Adopt A Puppy?

I have not liked dogs my whole life, since I got bit by that dog in Blanchardville. In fact, I was quite afraid of them! But as I watch my puppy grow each day, I fall more and more in love with her. I love the way she prances through the yard after "potty outside" to get her Cheerio treat. I love how she runs in circles with her tail in her mouth, and sits on my lap and kisses me. I love how she plays fetch like a pro, when the book said Bassets don't play fetch. I love her stocky little legs and her long, saggy, soft brown ears and how she is always standing on them. I love holding her in my arms kissing her soft face, and rubbing her soft pink belly. I feel so proud when people all over adore my puppy and say how she is the cutest puppy they have ever seen. I am so proud of her. I love how she sits next to me all the time, as she is a "Mama's Girl." Who said dogs are a man's best friend? I love her in a different way then I love Timmie Lee and my other pets. She creates a whole new outlook on my life, and forces me to exercise, and get out and about. She is an incredible joy, now that those first 5 weeks of transition are over, thank God! I am a better person for adopting Lucy and cherish her so much. I love sharing her with everyone, knowing they want to have her, but she comes home with me. I adore my little puppy.
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