Mmmm...Bugs taste good!

Lucy tested my motherly ability today. She is like a Dirt Devil with legs and a tail. She walks around with her nose to the ground, as scent hounds do and she gobbles up everthing in her path. Today, before I could scoop her up from eating it, she got a LARGE ugly beetle in her mouth. I opened her mouth and here is this nasty bug, wiggling his legs on my puppy's tongue. I was so scared of the beetle and did not want to touch it, but had to reach in and pull him out. It was so nasty. She also eats flies off the side of the house, worms, and moths if she can catch them. I saved her from a packing peanut, bark, and a Noxema pad, all in her mouth, all today. You have to constantly watch what she is eating. It is hard to see sometimes because she hides behind those big ears that make a curtain and you can't see! Also today we noticed that when she shakes her head after drinking water, all you hear is her saggy skin shaking. It sounds gross but is actually quite cute. She played fetch in the front yard today with an orange tennis ball, then tried to bury it!
Lucy and Ramona would be friends! Ramona loves to eat bugs, too! Lucy looks so cute and silky soft in this picture!
That was me...Star. I hit hte wront key. OOPS!
Can Lucy come for a visit this weekend? Brandon would love to play ball with her!!
I am going to a movie Sunday at like noon or one and I work at 8 but maybe we could swing by.
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