Sunday, August 05, 2007

My Lucy Is Sick

Lucy had a play date with a boy dog named Lodi. They played rough ALL day long, biting at each other like dogs do, jumping around etc. The next day Lucy didn't want to play or eat or drink. I figured her muscles were just really sore. After 2 days of this, I finally called the vet. Lucy was sleeping all day. Very unlike my wild puppy. They said to bring her in. They found she indeed had a sore back, probably just the muscles, but took x-rays to make sure. (The 2 dogs really were playing rough.) Nothing unusual there. They took blood and her white blood cell count was down, she had a temperature, was dehydrated. Then they checked her for 3 or 4 tick type things and found that somehow my Pants has Lyme Disease. How? She has not been bitten by a tick that we were aware of. The bite would be like a bullseye on her. No marks or anything. But after all that, I paid the $300 and took my sick puppy home with meds for 21 days for the lyme disease. She is feeling better now but she cuddled with her aqua doggie in bed for 3-4 days before she got her spunk back. Good heavens, what an expensive ordeal huh? I did get a few days of sleep though, that was nice.


At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I had Lyme Disease in college, I never had a target-like bite, either. Same with a friend of mine when she had it. The meds help you feel better though, so make sure she takes them until they are gone.

At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara says: Poor Pants! She is so cute with her aqua dog though, she looks like she is saying, "mom, quit taking my picture. I feel sick!" in that picture. How is she feeling now???

At 4:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucy is feeling much better. She is back to her rowdy self. Thanks for your concern.

At 5:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad the missing "L" tag has been found!! Yay!


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