Lucy has hit a major milestone. She is 99.9% house broken! I was getting worried about her. I bought a carpet shampooer, I washed the rugs. Then she moved to the front door, going potty on a towel I dry her feet off with after coming inside. That lasted 2 days. Now she tells me EVERY time when she needs to go out. She missed once this last week but that is huge compared to her habits before. I am so proud of her. We are working on tricks and skills now. Learning to shake hands is the current one, but she is more interested in getting the cheerio out of my hand or kissing my face then shaking. Sometimes when I am not paying attention, she will walk up to me and give me her paw. I still have hope. We went to see Sara at work today, and she was like Marley in the car. (If you have not read "Marley and Me" I totally recommend it!) It was horrible. In this picture, Lucy is "burying" her giant Beggin' Bacon bone on the top of the couch. Like nobody will find it there! :)
This is such a funny picture. She IS getting big!
What a silly goose...thinking she can bury her treat on the couch!! She's like a squirrel burying nuts. How funny. Yay for Lucy for becoming housebroken!
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