Sleepy Time

Travis' way of helping out with Lucy is sleeping with her. She sleeps on the couch with him. Often times she sleeps around his head, on top of him, or stretched long in front of him. Sometimes she is sleeping in the middle and he squishes on the rest of the couch, not moving her, which I think is nice. She likes to be under covers, as the house is often in the 50's. Lucy is holding her new orange terry cloth bone, which was 72 cents and she thinks it is the greatest. She loved her Christmas, especially her bird house where she has to get the 3 birds out. She sticks her whole face in and runs around like that, it is quite funny. I guess she had a blast with Travis' family. She likes to put things in your lap so she spent her day placing squishy balls, bones and stuffed birds in people's laps. His uncle Warren, who is 86 years old, had fun playing on the floor with her. He wanted to take her home with him. She loved all of her new toys. Her barker collar should be arriving shortly and hopefully it works and puts this horrible, loud, pointless barking to rest. We are also going to work on not biting people, not going potty in the kitchen, staying off the coffee table, and not eating the rug this week when I have time off to use her trainer collar. Wish me luck. I just want a good puppie doggie with good puppie doggie habits. She just bites so hard when she gets excited and it hurts. Bad. It is only when she is excited though, not all the time. Merry Christmas to you all!